+ 27 43 683 5240
+ 27 43 683 5200
Ingrained Quality
Pine Shavings

Pine Shavings

These are produced as a by-product of the finished goods processing. Used predominately for poultry and livestock bedding. Also used as a growing medium in hydroponic tunnels.The dry pine shavings are compressed into a plastic bale. The bale measures approx. 500mm (w) x 330mm (h) x 650mm (l). The weight is approx. 23kg per bale.


The benefits of the compressed bale:

  • No purchasing & recycling of wool bales.
  • Improved storage
  • Compressed bales are approx. 40% of the size of an un-compressed bale of the same volume
  • Easier to stack & store
  • Sealed bags mean neater & cleaner storage
  • Improved handling. Can be handled & spread easily by one person.
  • Sealed plastic bags protect the shavings from moisture.
  • Reduced transport costs. Can load up to 60% more on a load compared to the un-compressed wool bales.
  • All round more convenient than the un-compressed bales.