+ 27 43 683 5240
+ 27 43 683 5200
Ingrained Quality
Corporate Social Responsibility

Forestry Rehabilitation and Weed Control

The protection of indigenous forests and the removal of alien and invasive weeds form a significant part of conservation management. Amathole Forestry Company practices plantation forestry only. All indigenous forests are protected and indigenous trees are not harvested.

To improve weeding and develop a holistic plan for the plantation areas, a programme to determine weed intensity and spread was initiated in 2007. This was initiated to identify weed species and the spread of weed through the plantation, and to use this information to prioritise and schedule annual clearing activities on a five yearly basis. The intensity of spread is reviewed every two years, and adaptations made to the clearing programme as required. The company seeks to decrease all weed species to a maintenance level across all conservation areas. Herbicide use is also stringently controlled, and only herbicides, as approved by the South African Timber Industry Working Group (TIPWG) are used. Herbicide use is minimised as far as possible through implementing integrated pest management processes. Herbicide volumes have been monitored per plantation /management unit since 2007.