The Rance Group prides itself on being an environmentally friendly and conservation orientated organisation that strives to protect and improve the natural and corporate environment in which the business is conducted. Effective environmental management policies are strategically planned and implemented to minimise the impact of the business on the natural environment.
What we are doing for our environment
We are committed to long-term environmental protection and responsible management of our impacts and continually strive to improve our performance through monitoring our actions and implementing corrective actions when necessary. The company has developed an Environmental Management System which is used to guide and regulate all processes on the plantation. All activities that may have an impact on the environment have been identified and are managed through formal procedures and internal monitoring systems. The management system provides a mechanism to ensure that the company maintains the performance levels required and achieves the goals set out in the company Environmental policy. Procedures ensure that all activities take legal requirements and national forestry standards into account as a minimum requirement, whilst also prescribing to best forestry practice. Procedures cover the following disciplines: Land Use, Diverse Forest Products, Ecotourism, Forest Engineering: Harvesting, Human Recourses, Infrastructure, Conservation Management, Protection, Silviculture and Forest Engineering: Roads. The management system acts as a tool to ensure that environmental issues are integrated into all operations within the company.
Amathole Forestry Company has prepared long-term management plans, which are used to plan management interventions and implementation of monitoring programmes. Conservation areas are mapped, using a system based on a vegetation-mapping standard developed for the South African Forestry Industry. Plans include information on fauna and flora, recording rare and endangered species and habitats, recording areas of cultural and historical interest and providing plans for conservation protection, the eradication of alien vegetation and conservation burning.
Information is linked to a detailed Geographic Information System (GIS) database. Plans also schedule periodical monitoring of water quality, high conservation value forests, erosion, fire management and rare and endangered plants and animals. Where necessary species are actively monitored and managed, in order to ensure their survival. Results of these studies are incorporated into the conservation management plans to ensure continual improvement.
Two Natural Heritage sites, namely Tor Doone (site no. 268) and Hogsback (site no. 225) have been formally proclaimed. Sites of historical and cultural significance are also recorded. These include gravesites, historical and natural sites. These sites are protected, and their management is regulated through the annual plans of operation.
Any new developments and changes in land use are subjected to Environmental Impact Assessments according to National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) legislation.
A strategic monitoring plan and summary of results of this monitoring is available and can be requested from AFC management.